From Tibet to The Uyghurs, China Wipes Out Entire Cultures

China under the PRC officially took over Tibet in October 1951. Tibet’s leadership including the then young Dalai Lama fled south into India, after a mass uprising in 1959, where the Tibetan government in exile still remains. Since the Chinese Han takeover of Tibet almost 70 years ago, the CCP run China has decimated the indigenous culture, transferring millions of ethnic Han into the occupied territory. More than that though, the CCP has continued to completely erase Tibetan history.

The following numbers are provided by Tibet Office: “1.2 million Tibetans, one-fifth of the country’s population, died as a result of China’s policies; many more languished in prisons and labor camps; and more than 6000 monasteries, temples and other cultural and historic buildings were destroyed and their contents pillaged.”

In 1987 the Western world, through grassroots efforts, launched the Free Tibet movement. The movement gained steam globally and by the 1990s there were international campaigns. Yet, as the CCP has continued to establish China as the indispensable economic anchor for the whole world, the same liberal media who championed the Tibetan cause has grown increasingly silent.

The Uyghurs Are Targeted For Annihilation

There are an estimated 12 million Uyghurs in North West China. They are a Turkic related Muslim people who migrated to Xinijang centuries earlier. Despite CCP claims, there are said to be more than 1 million Uyghurs in “reeducation camps” whose real aim appears focused on wiping out Uyghur culture – total cultural genocide.

Beyond the more than one million Uyghurs in what can only be considered concentration camps, Uyghur women are forcibly having their hair cut to sell on the global market and Uyghurs are forced to have their organs harvested where they are sold back to rich Muslims seeking an organ transplant.

Besides the open brutality, Uyghurs are on a basic level seeing their religious lifecycle events watered down in a very forceful way as a means of slowly destroying their culture.

Timothy Gross writes the following in China File about his experiences amongst the Uyghur:

“Important lifecycle rituals—baby-namings, circumcision, funerals, and weddings—provide opportunities for devout and casually religious families alike to strengthen connections. These ceremonies recommit the community to a religious path while forging and reinforcing kinship bonds between relatives (oruq-tughan), neighbors (qoshna), and friends.”

“Currently, however, these rites—known generically in official Chinese sources as the “four activities” (si xiang huodong, 四项活动)—demand the overbearing presence of the state in a formalized process referred to as the four applications, four delegations, and four receipts. According to this policy, families intending to hold naming ceremonies, circumcisions, funerals, and weddings must first file an official application. Then an official from the village Party branch will accompany religious clerics to the event, which the Party branch documents in a receipt.”

“Officials reward such mandatory invitations with monetary gifts. Work teams in one village dole out 200 renminbi for each naming ceremony, 100 renminbi per circumcision, 200 renminbi per wedding (second marriages are not eligible), and 500 renminbi per funeral. If the deceased was a Party member, officials increase the condolence payment to 1,000 renminbi. Families become ineligible for monetary gifts if they are deemed to have engaged in “extremism” or have a family member labeled as “targeted population.” If family members exhibit a bad attitude or perform poorly at work, or a Party member does not play a role in the ceremony, they are given reduced gifts. Although the modest financial support may be welcomed by some families, these payments act as what political communications expert Jennifer Pan has termed “repressive assistance,” that is, benefits that increase contact between the state and targeted groups and serve as a starting point for ideological transformation.”

Han-Centrism At The Heart of China’s Cultural Decimation Program

The Han, who make up 92% of China have been undergoing a form of hyper nationalism, which has transformed their nationalism into a virulent xenophobia. Han nationalism has been used as a tool to wipe out and colonize Tibet, Xinijang (home of the Uryghurs), and Inner Mongolia.

Dr. Bradley Thayer, Professor of International Security Studies a Tallinn University said the following in an interview:

“The origins of Han-centrism are deep within China’s history, it is not a modern phenomenon. It has been manipulated of course, as you have observed, by Xi Jinping and historically by the Communist Party of China. So, we see many examples of this in the present crisis with the Wuhan virus. We see the Chinese have been blaming many other countries, including the US- they claim the US army brought the virus to China or that it originated in Italy first. This is in keeping with the Han-centric belief that China does no wrong and cannot make mistakes and that any problems it face are of the responsibility of other people and nations.”

The Han are encouraged to move to regions that were conquered in the 20th Century and either spread sinification as is the case of inner Mongolia or like Tibet and Xinijang aid in a total erasure of the indigenous culture that is there.

Han-Centrism or nationalism has increased in recent years under Xi Jiping and has been the foundation for the current government’s attack on organized Western religions like Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.

Han Nationalism has now been fused with the CCP’s global agenda and is the primary driving force behind the CCP’s hegemonic aspirations around the world. The assumption by globalists and corporate leadership is that an open China would pacify nationalist ambitions, but in the last decade or two they have only fueled them.

The current push to reengage Beijing, if and when President Trump leaves office, feeds the unrestrained urge by the CCP to continue their expansion. The Han Nationalism that has now propelled the Xi Jinping leadership is being near worshiped by those on the globalist left. This is not surprising. For years the left has run an all out assault on traditional religion – a near atheistic driven attack. The CCP, built with atheism at its core sees eradication of traditional religion as a core value.

Ultimately, as the Western world increasingly becomes more and more dependent on Chinese products for its own feeling of self fulfillment, it is essentially supporting wholesale genocide of ethnic populations that historically speaking were never under Chinese rule.

The globalist left likes to pride itself on liberalism and tolerance and yet when it comes to China it looks the other way. Gone are the days of mass protests for Free Tibet that swept the 1990s and drew in famous entertainers.

Ironically, President Trump, the very man who the left claims is “Hitler incarnate” signed the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act this past June. Trump said that act “holds accountable perpetrators of human rights violations and abuses such as the systematic use of indoctrination camps, forced labor, and intrusive surveillance to eradicate the ethnic identity and religious beliefs of Uyghurs and other minorities in China.”

The Uyghurs and Tibetans are a message for the world, that placating genocidal regimes no matter how economically “indispensable” they are for the world, never ends well. The Jewish people were also at the mercy of a supposed “indispensable” nation, Nazi Germany, whose leader graced the cover of Time Magazine. Unfortunately, more than 75 years later the world has decided to put profits ahead of stopping the rising dragon. Will global leadership wake up before it’s too late? If the US elections are any indication, it does not seem likely.

This Chanukah, It Is Time To Finally Break The Chains Of The CCP And Their Global Partners

The world around us is in chaos. Old norms are buried, new ideas abound, and the tools purported to help us discover new avenues of abundance are now at our fingertips.

But what happens if all of this fast paced, information saturated global culture, is just a weapon wielded by a godless enemy determined to build a world based on a society where only the collective matters – not the individual.

This is the war we are fighting now. The antagonist is the Chinese Communist Party – a godless machine whose goal is global control. They are aided and abetted by big tech, big pharma, Wall Street, legacy media, and many in academia. The war is about money and control and it appears to those who have not been swayed by their guile that the CCP and their friends are winning.

So how do we defeat an enemy who uses so many different weapons to fight us?

It starts by having pure and simple faith in G-D. However, simple faith is not enough to hold back their full power. We must learn to activate this faith as a real tool, because part of the enemy’s strategy is to force us into a corner by our own hands. Faith that remains latent, is faith which is equivalent to light without a vessel and that in a way gives the enemy “territory.”

Rebbe Nachman teaches that our faces can be likened to the Menorah, the seven branch candelabra in the Holy Temple. We too have seven places that have a potential to shine light and in the same vein they can show nothing but darkness – it all depends on what we take in and express.

Our faith is the light of G-D and it is this faith that requires vessels to contain it and shine it to others. This is why the CCP and their partners around the world work so hard to create so much information that our senses are overloaded. This is meant to first distract and then to overtake the seven openings in our face (two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, and one mouth), thus dimming our pure and simple faith – extinguishing the Menorah within

This assault on our senses has been going on for a long time. It has taken the form of entertainment – meant to destroy our moral fabric. We have grown in our disdain for tradition and yet cannot pinpoint the exact reason why. All the while, we fill the growing void caused by our lack of faith with cheap products made by CCP run China and pushed on us by global corporations in order to distract us while making them richer.

We are now at the crossroads. We can fall deeper into the darkness or turn around and jettison the “slave masters” from our midst. The Greeks were able to gain control of the minds and the will of most of the Jews in the Land of Israel until one family stood up and led an uprising. It is true, the war was about freeing the Jewish people in the Land of Israel from Greek control, but ultimately the Jewish people needed to overthrow the Greek control over their minds and hearts to truly be victorious.

The light of faith was represented by the rekindling of the Menorah by the Jewish people. The seven branched candelabra burned for a miraculous eight days. Today, we can overthrow our enemies and relight the Menorah, but we must choose to see the enemy for who he is and recognize how much he has penetrated deep within and by doing so nearly extinguishing our soul.

Like the Maccabees of old, each one of us can lead an uprising within and by doing so, defeat the army of darkness that appears to be so close to winning. There is still time and always plenty of faith no matter how dim the light appears.

In Order To Stop China, Trump Must Go Through Iran

President Trump has largely used his four years as president to refrain from foreign interference and regime change that had marked both President Bush’s and Obama’s foreign policies.

However, there are two areas where Trump has successfully held the line and utilized a strong approach in order to wield results.

Over the last four years we have seen the President use the might of the USA and proper diplomacy to push back on both Iran and China.

He has been emphatic on holding Iran accountable for its drive towards nuclear weapons and its strategic regional destabilization activities, namely in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.

On China, he pushed back using tariffs and held strong during trade negotiations. Furthermore, he strengthened America’s relationship with India, Japan, and others directly surrounding China.

With all of this in mind, it is important to understand the relationship these two American adversaries have. By doing so, one can understand why the potential for an attack on Iran before Biden takes over has merit.

The Growing Iran-China Partnership

What was once only a geopolitical convenience, both countries have now seen the necessity behind their growing alliance.

So why do these two countries form such a symbiotic relationship?

Firstly, China’s energy needs are one of the largest in the world. The challenge for China is that its domestic source of oil or gas no longer covers its needs. It relies heavily energy imports.

So where does it import oil and gas from?

Source: The Observatory of Economic Complexity

On the face of it, China’s energy imports are pretty varied. However, there is another component, which makes Iran a key part to China’s equation. This is the Belt and Road initiative. China sees Iran as a key component in its ability to influence the Middle East. After all, while China may get energy from Iraq, Oman, and Kuwait, these countries are heavily influenced by policy decisions on Iran.

As an example, Oman has yet to join the Abraham Accords, because it fears retribution from Iran. Kuwait is heavily Shiite and although dislikes Iran, it is equally threatened by them. The same goes for Shiite controlled Iraq as well as part of the Kurdish North.

The latest cooperation agreement signed between Iran and China in June illustrates this. The cooperation agreement was further cemented this past October with a visit by Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif.

While the agreement focuses on economic and cultural ties, the use “terrorism” as a reason to partner together for security reasons or join support in international bodies should be understood as far more than just passive cooperation. Furthermore, the agreement stipulates China’s resolve to back the JCPOA nuclear deal and also help Iran with energy development, including nuclear.

While China has followed a policy of non-intervention in the Middle East, its growing alliance with Iran allows it to partner with someone who for its own reasons will be able to enforce Chinese hegemony in the Persian Gulf and over the rest of the region, thus ensuring a steady source of energy for years to come for Beijing.

In turn, Iran can rely on Chinese backing, both militarily and diplomatically for its drive to conquer Israel and the Sunni world.

Biden Will Strengthen The Chinese-Iranian Axis

If Joe Biden hold off President Trump’s legal challenges he will essentially be a compliant partner in allowing the China-Iran Axis to hold sway over the Middle East. It cannot be overstated how much Biden and his team are influenced by the CCP controlled China.

Jake Sullivan, Biden’s potential National Security Advisor was noted as saying that China’s rise is a foreign policy success.

He said the following in full remarks: “We helped create the conditions of stability and security in East Asia that allowed China to have this remarkable economic rise. So that it’s rising, in a way, is not the failure of American foreign policy; it’s the success of creating those stable conditions.”

Biden has issued positive statements as well about China’s rise.

Iran’s ability to act as China’s forward base and arm in the Middle East is perhaps Trump’s actual reason for considering a limited but serious strike on the Islamic Republic. Any action President Trump carries out or allows the new Israel-Sunni Alliance to carry out before he potentially leaves in January should be seen through a prism that takes China into it as well.