The Exchanged Children – Regaining Ourselves

The path to self awareness and inner connection weaves through the darkness of our world. It requires us to recalibrate the balance between our soul and our bodies.

We are always descending within the darkness of the physical world. It is that descent, that confusion we find in our lives that we must abandon in order to rise up to the path of the light. This is the path of the Creator, who is hidden in all of Creation. Yet, until find the true Tzaddik, the loop that was forged at the time of our birth in this world will continue.

We rise only to fall – fall only to rise. We hold onto our false sense of self because we are too afraid to move forward. This is the job of the Tzaddik – to show us our own way. It is the path most carved out for each of us that allows us the comfort to let go of all of the false perceptions we have packed into our mind.

When we let go – we find ourselves and the body is once more ruled by the soul.

Seeing With Eyes Of Emunah

Sometimes we fall so much we cannot see through the darkness that has become our lives. Our vision has become blinded from our own doubts – our own fears.

This is why we must strive for actualized Emunah – activated faith. When we see that the Creator’s will fills up and permeates all things and all things are in fact a reflection of the Creator’s unity, then our fear and confusion will dissipate. All experiences are messages from the Creator to us and each one of our experiences is unique.

We do not need to fear the unknown, but rather embrace the daily rush of events thrown at us by seeing the world through the prism of Emunah.

If We Want To Leave Mitzrayim – We Must Have Faith

There are times when we feel low and other times when we know that the exit from the darkness is just around the corner. The truth is all of our feelings of lacking and despair, are just feelings – true Redemption is always within our reach!

Only when we have faith that the Creator is the ultimate reality and our one real reason for being sent down here is to have a personal relationship with the Almighty, then we will begin to feel ourselves leave the Mitzrayim we have been trapped in.

We Must Descend Into Darkness Before The Light Can Be Revealed

When our souls descend into this world we find ourselves in a state of “klipot, layers.” These layers are the cognitive distortions we are meant to spend a life time breaking through.

Growth always starts within darkness, confusion, and illusion. We move up and we fall, move up and fall. In chassidut and deeper lessons connected to the Torah this process is analogous to leaving “Mitzrayim, Egypt,” the place of constricted G-D consciousness.

Our job is to discover light within the darkness that we find ourselves in. It is literally the descending that holds the greatest chance to reveal the light hidden within.

Right now darkness surrounds us and penetrates us. Endless information, unlimited choices, and a world which appears to be more and more chaotic has pushed us into a state of collective despair.

Where and how can we move forward?

We must not fear. The darkness we are experiencing is the moment before the greatest light is revealed – all we need to do is to hold on tight.

(Likutey Moharan 6 & 36, Orot Techiya, Likutey Halachot Hilchot Pesach)

The Temple Is About Restoring Our Eternal Memory

Tisha B’Av is once again upon us. So many of us wonder why we are still laboring to keep it. After all, we have returned to Israel, the galut is seemingly over.

Yet, the Temple, was more than a national symbol, it is our own eternal memory, because it is the memory of the World to Come. Tisha B’Av is about recapturing that memory and propelling ourselves forward towards the final redemption.

KEEP IT SIMPLE: Winning The War Within

Evil is in essence is the distancing of oneself from the Creator. What that means is that the Creator within us, which is the eternal bound within our limited physical expression, becomes lost to us by way of our transgressions.

If the light inside is so apparent, so pure, then why do we fall?

The main weapon used against us in our war with the dark side is an over abundance of distractions. These find their way into our consciousness through the ending pieces of information penetrating our mind all the time. These are excesses that keep our mind constantly thinking, but never settling on who or what we are meant to be doing.

This is why Rebbe Nachman exhorts us to remain simple in both thought and action. This is our main way to ensure our prayers stay on target and help rectify the world around us.

The dark side forces appear strong in the the world, but our voices are far more powerful. They are just waiting to be unleashed the moment we let go of the noise within.

Don’t Overthink

There are times when the noises in our head, the voices, the thoughts are so much we begin to doubt ourselves. The world becomes painful and the path towards our own inner success fades.

This is the lot of the chacham – the person who thinks he is smarter than anyone else. Eventually even the smartest person comes to the realization that he is not in control.

It is the path of the simple one, which leads to true happiness and therefore true success and of course true wisdom.

Joy Is The Foundation For True Success

There is a need inside each of us to achieve success. However, this notion of success changes depending on the person. The more one is pulled away from his or her being, the more success is an endless pursuit after a career or social standing or money.

However, if one is grounded and truly seeking a successful relationship with the Creator, then success means drawing close to the Almighty. How is this possible? The first step is recognizing that all of our sustenance comes from the Creator. When this is realized true joy no matter the situation can be attained.

True success does not come by way of career or financial gains. Success is being happy with what the Creator has given you.