Israel Behind the News [Dec 16, 2015]

None of us should be shocked at the above thinking.  Since the head of the UN ultimately thinks Israel is behind ethnically cleansing Arabs from Jerusalem, it is logical for him to also believe we are the ones responsible for the Arab violence in Israel. Essentially, according to the UN our very existence is the reason for the terrorism itself. Jews are the cause and the target of the terrorism. Old fashion anti-Semitism at its best.
Egypt and Israel clearly have a tacit understanding and defense alliance in dealing with joint threats. This is proof that the alliances in the Eastern Mediterranean are changing and consolidating behind Israel, Egypt, Cyprus, and Greece with an energy consortium as a joint interest between them.  If this is really the case, the future is bright for the four.
The Jewish world should be outraged from Obama’s comparison, but then again American Jews largely voted for Barack Hussein Obama and in like fashion they will find some reason to agree with him.  Any thinking person should be outraged, but it’s almost 2016 and it seems the world has gotten incredibly ignorant. First and foremost most of the Syrian refugees are Muslim and able-bodied young men. This does not mirror the typical refugee from anywhere else in the world.

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Israel Behind the News [Dec 15, 2015]

Kerry: Bibi is Shortsighted and Untrustworthy

Here we go again.  The world is in collapse mode or should I say the American world is on collapse mode and Kerry wheels out apartheid like statements and fear mongering to relate to Israel’s future. Once going on here is that the USA is nervous it is losing Israel and so the warning is out.  “You leave our orbit and we will make you look like South Africa.” Threats don’t work anymore. Their policies are in shambles and in the new world of value based partnerships versus ideological allies, Israel is well positioned to be economic hub of the fast changing Middle East. By the way trusting the USA government never did the Kurds well either. Obama has left them to die at the mercy of ISIS.

War is Hell and the Arabs use all Means at their Disposal

The violent struggle for control over the Land of Israel continues. Thankfully, all of the injured from yesterday’s car ramming in Jerusalem will live. The 1.5 year old unfortunately will lose his foot.  In the long struggle strategy that Bibi seems to have adopted over the Land, the government wants the citizenry to remain vigilant as it grinds the Arabs down over a period of time and makes them sure for peace. This strategy means we won’t see the winding down of “lone wolfs” anytime soon.

Israel Behind the News [Dec 14, 2015]

Erdogan Tries to Break Out of his Isolation by Pandering to…Israel?

It’s been a tough month for our favorite ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood President, Erdogan. You almost have to feel bad for him. Russia is beginning to tighten the noose with troops to his South and now in Armenia.  With that Greee, Cyprus, Israel, and Egypt are moving to create an East Mediterranean alliance in connection to the gas fields their countries share.  That would essentially cut out Turkey from their Sunni brothers and the EU.  The tables have certainly turned and one should not expect Israel to worry about mending ties with Turkey anytime soon.  With Russia moving in and the Eastern block of the EU looking like they are truly separate from their Western cohorts, Israel stands in a fantastic position to become a major player.

Roger Waters and Rivlin Play the Haaretz Conference

It’s true they were both there, but Rivlin tried in his typically pseudo nationalist way to defend Israel at what can only be described as something akin to a blood libel.  What makes Rivlin thinks he can sway these sort of people is anyone’s guess, but unfortunately Rivlin really believes in most of the comments he has made since he became President.  Thankfully it is a ceremonial position.  If not we would be in big trouble.

Hungary prime minister: Europe looks like ‘battlefield’ because of migrants

What a surprise.  These aren’t your typical migrants. The Arab world has long believed the best way to win over the non-believing nations, was to literally win them over, by becoming the predominant culture. Europe seems to be falling and falling fast.  Eastern Europe though will have none of it and that is good for Israel.  Nothing beats finding common ground with historically anti-Semitic nations.


Israel Behind the News [Dec 13, 2015]

Arab MKs Lead Populism that is Disconnected from Reality

MK Odeh is representative of a broader problem in Israel.  Arab leaders claim their people are discriminated against and at the same time enjoy rights and privileges they cannot get elsewhere. One has to understand that discrimination in Arab culture means that another culture is in control. This means by Western standards there is no real discrimination, but an issue of honor.  Whatever the case, Israel is plagued by Arab leaders that spit in the face of the very State that gives full rights and opportunities.

Arab Jihadist Indicted

Raed Khalil has been indicted for murdering two Jews while they were praying in Tel Aviv last month  Of course this this Arab Jihadist will be put away for as long as it takes to carry out a further prisoner swap.  Even if he rots in jail, he’ll have a far cozier time in prison than some of the Jewish administrative detainees that have been placed there with no charges. The Israeli security apparatus is in dire need of repairs.  Thankfully, many of the young people serving in it are doing their best to foil and push back on Jihadist terrorism.

New Police Chief Sets a Different Tone

The new police chief is a serous guy and the first religious Zionist one.  Make no mistake, his trip to gush Etzion is a message that he is approaching his role far differently than his corrupt predecessors. The Left is truly running scared that one of their last bastions of control will finally be cleaned out.



Israel Behind the News [Dec 10, 2015]

Knifing Victim From Kiryat Arba Shows Slight Improvement

A Chanukah miracle is unfolding.  The gardener of the Cave of the Patriarchs that was stabbed earlier in the week and given a slim chance to live has miraculously shown some signs of improvement. He was stabbed four times; one in the chest, two in the heart and one in the pancreas.

Mark Zuckerberg Fails To Understand the Threat 

Mark Zuckerberg posted what seems to be a push back against Donald Trump. Mark wants to lend his support to Muslims worldwide. While this sounds nice to millions of Americans unaware of just how different many in Islam are from them, he shows how he and others are ignorant of the wider situation in the Middle East. After all Middle Eastern Christians are being decimated and wiped out at the hands of their Muslim neighbors.

Israel has No Reason to Be Friends with Turkey

There is a new strategic alliance forming in the Eastern Mediterranean and Turkey does not seem to be part of it.  With gas deals being signed between Cyprus, Greece, and Israel as well as defense pacts being pushed between these countries, the Israeli government has no need to return to the relationship they once had with Turkey.  The realignment shows just how strong Israel’s hand is in the future . By being the anchor country in the Eastern Mediterranean Israel has an opportunity to forge a new regional order.

Israel Behind the News [Dec 9, 2015]

Terror War Continues in Samaria

The latest attack occurred outside the community of Avnei Hafetz.  Residents of the Old City of Jerusalem had been visiting their daughter in Aveni Hafetz when their car came under fire.  The idea that these attacks are lone wolf has become preposterous. The government has in word moved on from this theory, but has not been able to crack the forward momentum of the Arab war across the Land of Israel.  Terror is merely a tactic to be employed to instill fear in the wider public.  Treating terror with band aid or reactive measures will not work.  Only a complete offensive campaign will crush the Jihadist cells and force Abu Mazen (aka Mahmoud Abbas) to sue for peace.  Sadly the government is far reaching this conclusion.

Obama Has Publicly Moved on From Peace in His Time

Obama might have used his time with President Reuven Rivlin repairing his relationship with Israel by saying all the platitudes necessary, but he has squandered years trying to push something on both sides that has no reality on the ground. Sadly if Obama wanted real peace, the One State Solution is the only way forward.

Bibi is Walking a Tight Rope by Meeting Donald Trump

Although the meeting is three weeks away, furor over Trump’s opposition to allowing Muslim immigration while global Jihad is on the march has drawn the ire of just about everyone in the elite wing of both the Democrats and Republicans. Bibi cannot cancel the meeting and it is not his style.  Whether or not Trump always presents issues in a nuanced manner, a vast amount of Israelis agree with the current Republican front runner. Bibi understands this and while he needs to balance the meeting with some PC statement in order to assuage the White House, the meeting will go forward.

Israel Behind the News [Dec 8, 2015]


Netanyahu Appoints his National Security Adviser as Next Head of the Mossad

Bibi’s strategic aim has always been to steer Israel through what he sees as a storm that has no early signs of abating. This means that he needs people that share specific tactical approaches that enables the State of Israel to pivot and react to events as they happen and to do so quietly.  Once again the analogy of a captain steering a ship through rough waters is perfect.  The new Mossad chief is uniquely poised to do this.

Huckabee Tells the Truth

Mike Huckabee is one of the most unabashed Israel supporters around. The fact is, the expulsion from Gaza was done at gunpoint.  Sure there were “nice soldiers” interacting with the communities, but if there would been any push back, special commandos circled the premises to ensure everything was carried out.

No where else in the World do you have an example of a Nation forcefully removing law abiding citizens from territory that is later abandoned and given to a sworn enemy. The idea of unilateral withdrawal based on the Gaza concept has been so thoroughly discredited now that essentially speaking no Israeli government would think about taking such measures again. Given the fact that the Arabs living in Judea and Samaria and Gaza are in no place to negotiate, the prospects of any deal are 0 directly due to the Gaza debacle.



Israel Behind the News [Dec 7, 2015]

ISIS attacks in Israel ‘just a matter of time’

The headline should really say that ISIS attacks are already here.  There is no difference between the Palestinian Street’s ideology and that of ISIS.  The only thing the Arabs in the Land of Israel are missing are gruesome videos and black flags, but unfortunately that will come.

The idea that some are proliferating (those in the international press) that somehow this is all just a cycle of violence, are purposely obfuscating the fact that most attacks from Jewish youth against Arabs, happen locally as retaliation for initial Arab violence left unchecked by security services. While not condoning anarchy, those attacks are far different than the deliberate violence perpetrated by ISIS minded individuals and their leadership in the Land of Israel.

Hanuka in Kaifeng

There is no greater sign of Israel’s light bursting forth than with the return of our Israelite brother from the East. The Kaifeng community symbolizes perseverance and faith in order to rise above all.

“The Chinese Jews take their inspiration from the Maccabees,” said Shavei Israel chairman Michael Freund, referring to the Jewish heroes of the Hanukkah story. “Even in far-off Kaifeng, the light of Jewish survival continues to burn brightly. Kaifeng’s Jewish descendants are a living link between China and the Jewish people.”

As Jews lost around the world become inspired and return, there is a growing sense that this immense awakening is having a profound effect on Israel and the globe.

Bibi’s Bravado Continues

The Swedes are making it easy for Bibi Netanyahu to toughen up. Then again since the fractured EU is limping these days and Israel has increased trade with the East, it has given Bibi and the government some needed maneuverability.

Israel Behind the News [Dec 6,2015]

Unprecedented: Supreme Court authorized remand extension in absence of minor detainee

The GSS Interrogated Detainees Relatives

The ongoing usage of court orders to effectively silence young Israelis by keeping them in jail without charges is getting out of hand. The GSS (General Security Services) Jewish Division has a history of creating smoke when there is no way to make an actual fire.  With thin evidence, clear alibis, the GSS would rather sow division and accusation than follow normative rules of law. Essentially the GSS is a leftover dinosaur from days gone by, but is now used as a political tool by the regime.

Netanyahu: The other side needs to decide if they want peace

Netanyahu’s clear push back against John Kerry’s remarks signals something much deeper than typical bravado. in the waning influence of Western Europe and the USA on the Middle East, Kerry’s remarks almost seem like nonsense. Israel’s position as it stands in the world is far stronger than Kerry would have everyone believe. Netanyahu knows most Israeli’s are behind on these issues.

Ya’alon: US is ceding leadership in Mideast to Russia, Iran

Despite Yaalon’s poor handling of security inside the territories and his propensity for anti-settler remarks, he is right on the money in the above respect.  The USA is ceding ground to Russia in the Middle East and although there is a tacit agreement between Putin and Bibi, it is not at all clear where all of this will end up. Unlike Bibi and others, who are comfortable moving East, Yaalon’s old guard view is nervous about the prospect of a Middle East without American involvement.

Hevron: Where Jihad Was Born

My first visit to Hevron in the summer of 2001 put me face to face with what would become a sign of things to come for the world over the last 15 years. I was a very different person in those days. 23 years old and idealistic about learning Torah in the Holy Land.  The second intifada had already been raging for the better part of the previous year and Sharon had yet to undertake Operation Defensive Shield.  In those days Arafat’s Fatah controlled up to the main road and Gross square right across the street to the Jewish neighborhood of Avraham Avinu.

The world was still silent. The World Trade Center had yet to be taken down.  George Bush was focused on other things. Israel was the epicenter of terror. Before my Shabbat in Hevron I had been one of many who had run down to Sbarro’s in downtown Jerusalem after it was blown up. Despite seeing the aftermath there, nothing would prepare me for what should have been a quick walk back to where I was staying from our Shabbat meal.

A few others and I started our walk back from the Beit Hadassah neighborhood down the main street. A few moments passed and then like drilling in a construction site a hail of bullets were sent at us.  We did the only thing we knew how to do…we ran. I still remember feeling the bullets go passed me and down by my feet. Miraculously we made it to a concrete barrier, diving behind it. A soldier was there and as the bullets whizzed passed all of us, he told us to run.  We reached the Avraham Avinu neighborhood.  The bullets continued, hitting the sandbags that were up in those days. The IDF returned fire and that is how it went for a better part of the night.  The next afternoon and evening was more of the same.

Today, Hevron is different.  New neighborhoods have grown.  Children play in the streets. The army is based in positions well inside the Arab areas.  There are problems and tensions, but no more machine gun fire or wanton killing. The Jews of Hevron have continued to be resilient in reestablishing King David’s first capital city.

Hevron, A Jewish City

The Jewish community in Hevron is ancient.  From the time of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob through the first and second commonwealth, Hevron played a central role to the Nation of Israel. The Jewish community lived there until the year 1929, when their Arab neighbors turned on them and massacred them. The Hevron Riots were part of the larger 1929 Arab pogroms that saw Jews being pushed out of historically Jewish neighborhoods in the Old City and the Kfar Shiloach (today Silwan).

Jews returned to Hevron in 1967 and for the first time in 500 years were allowed to enter the Cave of the Patriarchs where our forefathers and mothers are buried. The community has expanded and grown since then.

A Microcosm of the Global Struggle With Ishmael

In the last 15 years since those tense and very dangerous moments in Hevron, the world has become engulfed in multiple wars and a seemingly unstoppable rising flood of Jihadist terror. The Arab world seeks to challenge the root of monotheism and claim it as their own.  Their fight in many ways burst into a new stage in 1929. There they killed the “people of the book.” It is this root between Isaac and Ishmael that is at the heart of the struggle here and around the world.  Hevron is that root. It is where our fathers established their covenant with the Almighty and David established his Kingdom.  Despite all of our setbacks we have returned to our roots in Hevron and grown.  For this Ishamel is angry for in his collective mind the root is his, but his root is chaos and destruction, the Jihad.

In many ways what we have witnessed over the last decade and a half and especially in the last few months with the attacks in the Sinai, Paris, and now San Bernadino is that the Jihad of 1929 is live and well throughout the world. It is a mentality the Jewish people have faced since our return to our ancient homeland as a sovereign entity. It is this reason why we have no choice but to hold onto our roots.  We must embrace the ethics and morality of our fathers and most importantly attach ourselves to the Creator.  For this reason Hevron is key.  It is our source and corridor to our past and an example of how the Jewish people can be resilient and come out on top.       

In order to defeat the army of Ishmael the World must reconnect to the source of its faith.  That faith is rooted in the Jewish presence in Hevron.  Following the Jewish Nation’s example in its ancient birthright the world can overcome this chaotic time and build a new future.