If We Want To Leave Mitzrayim – We Must Have Faith

There are times when we feel low and other times when we know that the exit from the darkness is just around the corner. The truth is all of our feelings of lacking and despair, are just feelings – true Redemption is always within our reach!

Only when we have faith that the Creator is the ultimate reality and our one real reason for being sent down here is to have a personal relationship with the Almighty, then we will begin to feel ourselves leave the Mitzrayim we have been trapped in.

We Must Descend Into Darkness Before The Light Can Be Revealed

When our souls descend into this world we find ourselves in a state of “klipot, layers.” These layers are the cognitive distortions we are meant to spend a life time breaking through.

Growth always starts within darkness, confusion, and illusion. We move up and we fall, move up and fall. In chassidut and deeper lessons connected to the Torah this process is analogous to leaving “Mitzrayim, Egypt,” the place of constricted G-D consciousness.

Our job is to discover light within the darkness that we find ourselves in. It is literally the descending that holds the greatest chance to reveal the light hidden within.

Right now darkness surrounds us and penetrates us. Endless information, unlimited choices, and a world which appears to be more and more chaotic has pushed us into a state of collective despair.

Where and how can we move forward?

We must not fear. The darkness we are experiencing is the moment before the greatest light is revealed – all we need to do is to hold on tight.

(Likutey Moharan 6 & 36, Orot Techiya, Likutey Halachot Hilchot Pesach)

G-D Is With Us Even In The Darkest Moments

In these moments when the darkness seems so deep we must realize that this is where G-D is. Sure when the high is there – he is there, but he is here now with us at our moment of need. Our purpose here is to recognize the G-dliness in our world no matter how far away it appears to be. That was the meaning behind leaving Mitzrayim and that is the reason why we are meant to spend so long in this final exile.