Boycotting Wonder Woman, the Final Redemption, and the True Meaning of Gal Gadot

Jordan like Lebanon just banned the new Wonder Woman movie because the lead actress is an Israeli who served in the Israeli Army.  Ah, well Jordan has more to fear of than just the fact that Gal Gadot is  Israeli.  They are also afraid of her very name which in Hebrew means Wave of the Riverbanks (plural).  Now which Riverbanks could her last name refer to??  Think about it.  The World of Lies calls Judea and Samaria the West Bank of the Jordan River.  This is after Jordan conquered it in the War for Israel’s Independence without relinquishing it to the supposed fantasy Arab nation of Palestine, and then Israel won it from Jordan in the 6 Day War.  In Hebrew it is called Yehudah and Shomron, but the Left in Israel calls it HaGadah HaMa’aravit.  Gadah is a Riverbank (singular).


Will Iran Attack Israel After the Saudi Move Against Qatar?

The Saudi led move against Qatar has caught everyone in the region by surprise, especially Iran.  The Mullahs in Tehran have always regarded the Saudis as a paper tiger.  The move against Qatar, seemingly backed by the Trump administration changes that assumption.  Furthermore, Saudi Arabia’s call to freeze out Hamas is a serious about face for the Kingdom.  The Iranians know Trump means business.  The growing Sunni alliance along with faster than assumed growth in ties between this alliance and Israel spells trouble for Iran.

With Qatar being isolated (before the Iranian regime could make a move to co-opt it), a reaction is now needed to push back on the American backed Sunni alliance.  Given the US firepower in the Persian Gulf, the likely target for retaliation to create instability is Israel. Iran and their Shiite proxy Hezbollah have a far stronger foothold and vantage point on the Israeli border than the Iranians do in the Gulf.  This, along with Russian firepower and air superiority over Northern Israel, make a strike on Israel that much more probable.

Any military attack on Israel by the Iranians would see Israel fend for itself due to the proximity of Russian troops.  The Trump administration would not risk a direct conflict with Russia over Iran at least at this point.

Although the Saudis felt Qatar’s isolation was necessary to halt an advancing Iran, the next play is in Tehran’s court and the fallout could very well be Israel’s alone. With Turkey, Iran, and Russia solidifying their alliance against the West’s Sunni proxies, the summer of 2017 could very promise to be the breakout of the ultimate Middle Eastern war the world has been trying to avoid.

Donald Trump, NWO, and the Deep State’s War Against Jerusalem

Donald Trump’s first international trip, like the President himself, broke many previous policies of the USA in regards to major geopolitical issues.  The one that has been most noted is his visit to the Western Wall, which is a first by a sitting American President.  Beyond that, the White House YouTube labeled Jerusalem as part of Israel on their channel.  This is in stark contrast to his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and NSA head General McMaster who do not regard Jerusalem as being part of Israel.

Trump is certainly aware that his actions flew in the face of a globalist agenda, which seeks to destroy the Jewish link to Jerusalem. It is no accident that a peace deal favorable to Israel is coinciding with increased leaks from behind Trump’s back as well as a focused witch-hunt against his team.

The NWO (New World Order) and the Deep State, view Israel’s control over Jerusalem as a threat to their hegemony. Why? The global security state  seeks to undermine the miraculous nature of Israel’s existence and triumph, especially the gains made in just six days 50 years ago. By forcing Israel to give up their Divine connection to these lands, the globalists can prove that they and only they are the rulers of the world. G-D? The globalists want a world where they play that role.

By Israel continuing to do the impossible by returning to their homeland and holding onto their eternal capital, the ability for the globalists and their soldiers in the Deep State to cement their control over the hearts and mins of the world citizens remains elusive.

By Trump essentially declaring that Jerusalem belongs to Israel, he has out flanked the global elite.  By doing that, the President has pushed them to increase their animosity to himself and his agenda.  McMaster and Tillerson will try to derail Trump’s accomplishments he made between the Arab world and Israel.  Expect the leaks to increase and the investigations to begin to focus on the President himself. All the while the North Korean crisis will erupt and drag America into a serious war, leaving Israel vulnerable to attack.

Trump has done the unthinkable, but the Deep State and the globalist agenda have tremendous power behind it, enough to harm the President and his backers. The war over Jerusalem is beyond politics and intersects with who we and the world as people truly want to be. Children of G-D or servants of man.

Uman, the Engine for the Final Redemption

There is a light growing in the world.  It is hidden behind the veil of our everyday redundancy, but it is still there none the less. We can feel something happening.  A great movement away from the globalist consumerism that has enveloped all of our lives.  Smartphones, Internet, Netflix, Amazon, and so on.  The globalist elite understand there is something afoot.  Something powerful. But they cannot stop it. It started small after the fall of the Soviet Union, bu the awakening promised in the prophets is happening.

In a city in central Ukraine, Rebbe Nachman is buried.  He was the great grandson of the Baal Shem Tov and the young leader of the Breslov movement of Chassidus. At 38 he already knew his life would be cut short by tuberculosis and so decided to travel to Uman with his most trusted followers six months before his death. Rebbe Nachman chose Uman early on as his final resting place for a variety of reasons.  It was there he said, “A place was prepared for me from the beginning of Creation.”

Rebbe Nachaman taught almost 200 years ago that a flood of G-Dlessness would fill the Earth. This would be the real war, a complete spiritual attack on humanity’s belief in a single active Creator responsible for every moment of our reality. This attack would be on what we call Emunah, the pure faith in the Almighty’s providence with every facet of his creation.

This war has filled our lives.  It is the war the globalists who are a manifestation of the husks of the Other Side wage on the common person.  Their war is a war built around money, war, and control.  They spread disinformation and lies, which lead to depression and sadness. These globalists maybe faceless and hide behind the zeros and ones of the computer screen, but make no mistake they are there.

It is for this war that, which is spiritual in its nature that Rebbe Nachman chose to be buried in Uman. Knowing that the Land of Israel would be the foremost target of the forces of evil at the End of Days, a place outside of their radar was prepared for us to recharge for the fight at hand.  Uman is this place.

Uman has always been central to the Jewish experience during the painful exile.  It was there Chmielnicki massacred thousands of Jewish men, women, and children.  He dumped them in a mass grave on the very hill, Rebbe Nachman chose to be buried on over 150 years later.  In 1920, 3000 Jewish inhabitants were murdered by their Ukrainian neighbors, and during World War Two, the Nazis laid waste to the rest.  It is within this place of deep darkness Rebbe Nachman chose to fight his war.  Why in such a place of great pain? Because the forces of evil have no way of attacking him and his mission there. They can issue decrees only in places of overt light, like the Land of Israel, but in Uman the mission is kept hidden as it prepares to burst open.

My first trip to Uman on Rosh Hoshana was nearly eight years ago.  Then there were 35,000 visitors, praying more intensely than anywhere else I had ever seen.  There was no inhibition.  The same person outside of Uman, even in Israel is trapped by his doubts, fears, and worry, but in Uman I saw my fellow travelers experience freedom.  I felt free. This past year the number doubled to 70,000. Rebbe Nachman can be felt everywhere. Singing, dancing, joy, and deep personal prayer can be experienced everywhere. It is this light, that Rebbe Nachman promised he would give us that is so necessary to be brought back to the Land of Israel and spread to throughout the world.

With the above in mind I took my two oldest boys to the Ukraine last week. We visited grave sites of many chassidic leaders and ended our journey in Uman.  We prayed and connected and saw that even during the year, on the quietest of days, there are many visitors from around the world.  Both religious and non-religious are journeying to Rebbe Nachman to reconnect to themselves.  It is said the Tzaddik stands at the center of a great maze. It is this maze each one of us is trapped within, seemingly unable to find the way out.  The Tzaddik can see all of our paths and although physically passed from he Earth, it this ability gained from completing the maze himself that gives him the ability to lead each one of us out of our maze.

Rebbe Nachman told his followers “My Light will burn until the coming of the Messiah.” With Putin spreading war into Ukraine and Syria and Iran and Hezbollah poised to strike Israel. While the USA is set to go head to head against North Korea in a nuclear confrontation, there is one place that has the power to lift us beyond the darkness and depression those in “control” have injected us with.

Rebbe Nachman teaches that the light of the true Tzaddik always shines. It is this light, which has the power to open our eyes to the truth of the Creator’s guidance of all of Creation for tha is the role of the Tzaddik, to awaken and guide us.


This light of the true Tzaddik is found, hidden away in Uman, ready for each of us to discover it for ourselves.

How the Korean Crisis is a Key Next Step in Israel’s Redemption

Today is the Day of the Dry Bones (Yom HaAtzamot HaYevashot) when the first half of Yechezkel’s prophesy on the Dry Bones occurred on the Fifth of Iyar 5708 aka Israel’s Independence Day (Yom HaAtzma’ut).  The difference in spelling is that Atzma’ut has one extra Aleph, the Aleph of Elokim, who decided that the time of PHYSICAL wandering for the Jewish people was coming to a close.  The spiritual prophesy on the Arba Ruchot, the second half of Yechezkel’s vision, the spirit of the Messianic Era, has yet to occur.

This post is based on the previous two posts:
The Light of Mashiach Courtesy of the Korean Peninsula Leaving the Twilight Zone
The Two Legged Goat .

It is also based on all other posts that I have written on this blog since its inception in 2005.  Some of those posts are linked to in the first post above.  I suggest everyone review the material in all those posts because this post will incorporate in it the combined work of all posts discussed before on this blog dealing with the Korean Peninsula at the halakhic international date line.

As discussed previously according to the Vilna Gaon and others, B’itah and the ingathering of the exiles “officially” began with Rosh HaShanah 5751 (19 September 1990 at sundown) which was 3/4 of the way through the 6th Millennium and which corresponded to high noon on Friday, the 6th day of the week.  In came the Lost in the Land of Ashur (Russian Jewry) and the castaways in the Land of Egypt (Ethiopian Jewry) like clockwork as if the shofar blast at high noon on Friday to call Jews in from their fields for Yom SheKulo Shabbat had been blown precisely on time…. because it WAS blown in Heaven precisely on time.  So it was time for those two groups of Jews to come home.  (This was discussed in post #1 above.)   Keep in mind that Yom sheKulo Shabbat, the day that will always be Shabbat is the entire 7th Millennium which should “officially” begin b’itah no later than Rosh HaShanah 6001, the first year of the 7th Millennium.  Now every observant Jew knows halakhically we are allowed to bring on Shabbat as early as Plag HaMincha which is half way between Mincha Ketanah and sunset.  This would correspond with approximately being 1 and a quarter halakhic hours before sunset on Friday afternoon.  Depending on the time of year 1 1/4 halakhic hours could last 1 hour and 20 or 25 minutes in the Summer OR 1 hour and 5 or 10 minutes in the Winter.  Usually those who bring Shabbat on early do it in the Summer time when the sun sets rather late such as at 8:20 pm.  So they bring on Shabbat at 7:15pm in order not to have Shabbat dinner at an unG-dly hour late at night every week.  Now 1 1/4 hours before sunset can be calculated as being the last 1/8th of the 2nd half of the 6th Millennium or the last 1/4 of the last 250 years of human history between 5751 and 6001.  Each quarter of 250 years is equal to 62.5 years.  So from this simple calculation it would seem that b’itah cannot begin until 62 1/2 years before the end of the year 6000 in the year 5938.  That date would be a long way off, and talking about b’itah bringing the Utopian Age of human history that far into the future would be a big let down.  So why would one want to anticipate Mashiach’s coming since it is obvious that he is not coming because of our merits Achishena at any hour of any day?  He is obviously coming B’itah while we are hanging on at the 49th level of impurity while Edom has beaten us to the Sewer of -50 last Shavuot 5776.  He is coming In its time very likely, and even those who say that Mashiach could come in the next five minutes agree that after Mincha Gedolah of the 6th Millennium which was in Av 5771, he is almost assuredly coming B’itah.  See our conundrum?

Into this fray comes the Zohar HaQodesh VaEira 32.  We are told that B’itah, the third battle of Gog UMagog will begin when “wicked” Rome has to fight a war against a nation  at the edge of the World for about three months.  Since the world is round, there is only one way to understand what is the “edge of the world”.  The edge of the world is the halakhic international dateline.  This dateline is determined when it is high noon in Yerushalayim, for if Rosh Chodesh is sanctified for the entire world by the Sanhedrin BEFORE high noon, then Rosh Chodesh is that very day not just in Yerushalayim but all over the world.  If the Sanhedrin delayed until after high noon to sanctify the new month, then Rosh Chodesh for the entire world is not that day but the following day.  So from this we learn that at High Noon in Yerushalayim, the actual day or date of the month on the calendar is determined for the Entire World!  Since Yerushalayim is at 35 degrees longitude on the Globe, then at the moment it is high noon in Yerushalayim, it is sunset 90 degrees to the east at the 125 degree longitude mark, separating between one day and the previous day.  So 125 degrees to the east of Yerushalayim at this 125 degree mark IS the halakhic international dateline!  From a Global map we can see that this 125 degree line separates China from the Korean Peninsula in the Yellow Sea.  Approximately 2000 miles to the south of Pyongyang, N. Korea is the southern Philippines island of Mindanao where ISIS terrorists are trying to take over the island (and where President Duterte has threatened to eat them!).  The importance of this will become clearer later on either in this post or in comments.  Here we are just noting the geographical facts.  If we extend this 125 degree line into the Southern Hemisphere, we see that it cuts in half the Island nation of Indonesia through the island of Timor.  And further south, it cuts through the western deserts of the Australian continent in what is for the most part a sparsely inhabited part of Australia.  The two places where we will concentrate our understanding though will specifically be in the Northern hemisphere (Korea and the Philippines) because Yerushalayim, and its high noon timepiece is specifically in the Northern Hemisphere.  So it seems much more likely that the places of final war of GogUMagog will be at least experiencing the same season as Eretz Yisrael at the time of its onset.

Yet, as we see from previous posts about this matter, it is at this 125 degree line or “Sunset” line that we begin to have a problem.  D’Oraita, that is according to the Torah, the day may begin at Sundown, but it does not end until the stars come out the following day approximately 45 minutes AFTER sundown.  So for each potential day during Twilight, between Sundown and “Tzeit Kochavim” it is BOTH the day before Sundown and the new day after Sundown at the same time!  On the Globe we know that there are 15 degrees for each hour time zone.  So for let us say 42 minutes of Twilight, 42/60 = 10.5/15, we have 10.5 degrees of Twilight where at high noon in Yerushalayim on Rosh Chodesh or on Shabbat or on Yom Kippur, it is both the day before and the day after at the same time.  Anyone who would live in that “Twilight Zone” would need to keep two days of Shabbat out of every seven days, and they would need to fast for 48 hours on Yom Kippur!  This actually happened to the Mir Yeshivah when they escaped Nazi Germany and ended up at first in Kobe, Japan which is just inside this Twilight Zone shaded area.  The Chazon Ish ruled that the Mir refugees would need to do just that (two days of Shabbat every week and fasting for 48 hours on Yom Kippur).  They did not stay in Kobe long. They quickly moved to Shanghai in order to NOT have to live with these halakhic issues because Shanghai is significantly less than 90 degrees to the east of Yerushalayim.  So in Shanghai there is no doubt D’Oraita what day it is.  So there in Shanghai, one day of Shabbat every week and 24 hours of fasting on Yom Kippur are just fine.

Now why mention a Twilight Zone of 42 minutes?  Isn’t that arbitrary?  Well actually not.  I went to, and looked up Seoul, South Korea, the capital city in the Korean Peninsula a mere 30 kilometers from the DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone or No Man’s Land between N. and S. Korea).  Now here is the table that came up for the month of Nissan.  In order to view this table, you may have to log in with a UserName and Password.  You might even have to make a contribution.  They are a private site that needs funding, and who am I to complain if they want me to give them a few bucks to have access to their exact Zmanim times over the course of an entire year.  They even have a new feature to take into account the altitude of the place you might be at!    I started with Nissan because I noted that the it was at the very beginning of Tekufat Nissan that Trump sent those 59 missiles to destroy the Syrian Airforce base because Assad used chemical weapons.  Almost immediately after that the situation of the Korean Peninsula began to explode into the headlines, and Trump used his military action against Assad as a show of force to convince the Chinese to help him against Kim Jong Un.  So the Whisper of War against the country at the edge of the world did begin during the month of Nissan 5777.  Notice that the time between sunset and Tzeit Kochavim (stars coming out) is between 41 and 42 minutes for Seoul, South Korea at least during the entire month of Nissan.  Again this corresponds with an additional 10.5 degrees on the Globe AFTER the 90 degree mark east of Yerushalayim for 100,5 degrees on the Globe.

Now let us put two concepts together.  High noon on Yom ShiShi (Friday) was at Rosh HaShanah 5751 which kicked off the “official” period of intense ingathering of the Exiles.  Ostensibly it could last 250 years until the year 6001.  At the same time it is Sunset through Tzeit Kochavim on the entire Korean Peninsula.  So it is a Saffeik (a halakhic doubt) that at high noon in Yerushalayim on Friday whether that Saffeik area, between 125 degrees and 135.5 degrees, is going into Shabbat or into Thursday night at the same time.  Assuming that the Saffeik assertion that they are entering Shabbat is true, then there are 100.5 degrees on the Globe that enter Shabbat before Israel enters Shabbat.  Over the course of those 250 years, places to the east of Eretz Yisrael enter Yom sheKulo Shabbat BEFORE Eretz Yisrael enters Yom SheKulo Shabbat, that is especially with places which are within either 90 to 100.5 degrees to the east of Yerushalayim.  Yet because the first 10.5 degrees to enter are a Saffeik (A DOUBT) UNTIL those 10.5 degrees have fully entered Tzeit Kochavim so that the 90 degrees to the east then begin to enter, the period of time from Rosh HaShanah 5751 until the 10.5 degrees to the east of 125 degrees fully enter into the darkness of the starlight, Yom sheKulo Shabbat could not begin b’itah.  Upon entering the darkness of twilight, the light of Shabbat would begin to shine upon the world from the places on the Globe furthest East of Yerushalayim once there is no doubt that those places entering are now within the 90 degrees east of Yerusahalayim!  At the point that the area 90 degrees east of Yerushalayim begin to enter Yom SheKulo Shabbat, the entire area 10.5 degrees further to the east enters Yom SheKulo Shabbat with it.  From the number above we see the following:  Over the  course of 250 years, 100.5 degrees on the Globe enter Yom SheKulo Shabbat.  That is 2.5 years per degree on the Globe starting in the year 5751.  If the Twilight Zone shaded area of doubt is 10.5 degrees as it is at the DMZ and Seoul on the Korean Peninsula, then it takes 2.5 years/ degree x 10.5 degrees to bring the Korean theatre and places to the west of it in the Yellow Sea into Yom SheKulo Shabbat.  2.5 x 10.5 = 26.25 years.  Rosh HaShanah 5751 + 26.25 years is precisely Tevet of the year 5777!, this year at the beginning of the Nine Months!  From this we see that the entire Korean Peninsula has now entered Yom SheKulo Shabbat, and on Shabbat the wicked are judged.

From the Psalm 92 for the Day of Shabbat:

  ח  בִּפְרֹחַ רְשָׁעִים, כְּמוֹ עֵשֶׂב, וַיָּצִיצוּ, כָּל-פֹּעֲלֵי אָוֶן:    לְהִשָּׁמְדָם עֲדֵי-עַד. 8 When the wicked spring up as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; it is that they may be destroyed for ever.

ט  וְאַתָּה מָרוֹם–    לְעֹלָם יְהוָה. 9 But Thou, O LORD, art on high for evermore.

So as the entire Korean Peninsula now has its time guaranteed as entering Yom SheKulo Shabbat, it is from there that G-d brings judgement upon a Wicked world less that 250 years before the end of the year 6000 long before Plag HaMinchah.

Originally published under the title: The Timepiece for B’itah, the Koreas Leaving the Twilight Zone

ISRAEL’S INDEPENDENCE DAY: It is an Obligation to Liberate the Land of Israel

In order to appreciate the full significance of Israel’s Independence Day, one must clarify what the day is meant to commemorate, as well as what this connotes within the context of Jewish history and Torah Law. One of the major reasons for the celebration of Yom HaAtzmaut is to rejoice in the restoration of Hebrew independence in the Land of Israel following a long and bitter exile of the majority of Jews from our soil. Yom HaAtzmaut celebrates the liberation of Eretz Yisrael from British rule and the reestablishment of Jewish political sovereignty over our country.

In his supplement to the Rambam’s Sefer HaMitzvot, the Ramban teaches that it is a Torah commandment in every generation that the Nation of Israel take control of and inhabit the entire Land of Israel.

“This (a war to liberate Eretz Yisrael) is what our Sages call milḥemet mitzvah (obligatory war). In the Talmud (Sotah 44b) Rava said, ‘Yehoshua’s war of liberation was an obligatory duty according to all opinions.’ And do not err and say that this precept is the commandment to vanquish the seven nations… this is not so. We were commanded to destroy those nations when they fought against us and had they wished to make peace we could have done so under specific conditions. Yet we cannot leave the land in their control or in the control of any other nation in any generation… Behold, we are commanded with conquest in every generation… this is a positive commandment which applies for all time… And the proof that this is a commandment is this: ‘They were told to go up in the matter of the Spies: ‘Go up and conquer as HaShem, G-D of your fathers, has spoken to you. Do not fear and do not be discouraged.’ And it further says: ‘And when HaShem sent you from Kadesh Barnea saying, Go up and possess the land which I have given you.’ And when they did not go up, the Torah says: ‘And you rebelled against the Word of G-D, and you did not listen to this command.’” (Positive Commandment 4 of the Ramban’s supplement to the Rambam’s Sefer HaMitzvot)

The Ramban asserts that the conquest of Eretz Yisrael is a mitzvah for Israel in every generation and that we are forbidden from allowing any part of our country to fall into – or remain under – gentile control. It is found in the Shulḥan Arukh that all of the arbitrators of Torah Law (Rishonimand Aḥronim) agree with the Ramban concerning this issue.

“All of the Poskim, both Rishonim and Aḥronim, decide the Law in this fashion on the basis of the Ramban.” (Shulḥan Arukh, Even HaEzer section 75, Pitḥei Tshuva 6)

The Nation of Israel is eternally commanded to conquer and implement Jewish sovereignty over our country. Yom HaAtzmaut commemorates the fifth day of Iyar, 5708, when Israel fulfilled this mitzvah for the first time in nearly two thousand years by declaring Hebrew independence in portions of our homeland.

Aside from renewing the mitzvah of Hebrew sovereignty, there is another essential reason to celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut. The Megillat Ta’anitteaches that it is a mitzvah to thank HaShem for the miracles He performs. This was the basis for sanctifying Ḥanukah and Purim. And like Ḥanukah, Yom HaAtzmaut commemorates the triumph of a small and ill equipped band of Jewish freedom fighters over one of the world’s most powerful empires.

The British had ruled the Land of Israel since World War I and had done everything in their power to prevent Jewish independence. While Israel’s political leadership grudgingly acquiesced to Britain’s imperialist designs, a courageous minority of revolutionaries launched a war of liberation that eventually succeeded in attaining independence. As Hebrew fighters displayed tenacious heroism in the face of nearly impossible odds, HaShem worked through these fighters to force the British Empire from Palestine. And it was on the fifth of Iyar – Yom HaAtzmaut – that the Union Jack was ultimately lowered from the Jewish homeland.

Throughout the period of our exile, scattered Jewish communities have had the authority to establish what is called a “Purim Katan” – a sacred day of thanksgiving meant to express gratitude to the Kadosh Barukh Hu for saving a community from danger. Since Yom HaAtzmaut is a day on which a miracle occurred for the entire Jewish people, it is a Torah precept to ordain a public festival for commemoration of HaShem’s kindness towards His people. Israel’s Chief Rabbinate declared that the nation recite Hallel on this day in order to remember the miracles performed on Israel’s behalf.

But if the commandment is really so obvious and clear, why would so many great scholars appear so unsure about – or often even vehemently opposed to – the State of Israel and the celebration of Yom HaAtzmaut? The Gaon of Vilna answers this question in Kol HaTor (the Gaon’s teachings regarding the redemption process compiled by his student Rabbi Hillel Rivlin of Shklov).

“The Sin of the Spies… hovers over the Nation of Israel in every generation… How strong is the power of the Sitra Aḥra that it succeeds in hiding from the eyes of our holy fathers the dangers of the klipot; from the eyes of Avraham our father, the klipah of exile… and in the time of the Messiah, the Sitra Aḥra attacks the guardians of Torah with blinders… Many of the sinners in this great sin of, ‘They despised the cherished land,’ and also many of the guardians of Torah, will not know or understand that they are caught in the Sin of the Spies, that they have been sucked into the Sin of the Spies in many false ideas and empty claims, and they cover their ideas with the already proven fallacy that the mitzvah of the settlement of Israel no longer applies in our day, an opinion which has already been disproven by the giants of the world, the Rishonim and Aḥronim.” (Kol HaTorchapter 5)

The Torah debate over Yom HaAtzmaut is actually far more psychological than legal. Those who relate to Jewish history as having played out in ancient times, but being currently paused until the eventual arrival of a Messiah, generally restrict Jewish life to matters of “religion” often divorced from public life and national developments. But those who view themselves as participants in history and active characters in an incredible living story appreciate how current events – and even the actions we take – can have the power to impact and influence the Hebrew calendar.

The most amazing miracle of Yom HaAtzmaut is perhaps the foundation for all of the others. After so many centuries of persecution in exile, HaShem placed a new spirit of valor into our people. For the first time in modern history, a generation of Jewish heroes arose – willing to lay down their lives for the liberation of their homeland. And even more astonishing than this is the fact that the Kadosh Barukh Hu strengthened the hearts of Israel’s political leaders so that they would declare independence for the Nation of Israel despite being faced with overwhelming international pressure not to do so.

Yom HaAtzmaut is the most significant world event to take place in nearly two thousand years. It was on this day that HaShem returned the Children of Israel to the stage of history so that we may lead mankind towards a world of total blessing. It is the goal of Creation that the Divine Ideal be fully expressed through Israel bringing humanity to an awareness of HaShem as the timeless ultimate Reality without end that creates all, sustains all, empowers all and loves all. The Maharal of Prague teaches in Netzaḥ Yisrael that in order for Am Yisrael to fulfill our historic mission, we must first unite as an independent nation on our soil. Only as a strong and healthy nation living a collective life of national kedusha can Israel reveal the greatness and unity of HaShem’s Ideal in every major and minor sphere of existence. Only through the vehicle of Jewish independence can we bring mankind towards a universal blessing through illuminating the world with the light of Torah.

The modern State of Israel – the foundation of HaShem’s Throne in this world – must be understood not only as His Divine handiwork but also as an early stage in the development of universal redemption – a process that unfolds through a series of historic events. While the current Jewish state has not yet reached the greatness for which it is destined, it must be recognized that the physical vessel once again exists in our world and will eventually grow to reveal its exalted inner potential. After so many centuries as a ghost walking through history, Israel again functions as a living nation on the world stage. The Jewish people has taken an enormous step forward by reestablishing Hebrew independence in portions of Eretz Yisrael. While the mere existence of a Jewish state was never the final goal of our ancient yearnings, it is certainly a powerful vehicle with which to now achieve Israel’s greater aspirations. The liberation of our people will continue to progress as new heroes arise to confront the challenges of our generation and advance Jewish history to the next stages of redemption.

NORTH KOREA AND THE END TIMES: “Then the whole world shook with the violence of battle”

Rebbe Nachman says the following at the end of his famous story The Cripple:

“…all the remaining Whisperers were furious at this injustice, and they went up on earth and brewed trouble among all the kings of earth, so that there was hunger, and pestilence, and death everywhere among men and among demons of the earth; then the whole world shook with the violence of battle, and earthquakes came of war. And then the walls of the Demon’s pit fell inward, and the soil filled the pit and pressed against the Tree, and the water passed through the earth to the Tree, and the Tree drank.

And all the Demons perished.”

The World stands on edge as North Korea, a despotic, brain washed country led by an insane person is about to throw humanity seemingly over the nuclear cliff. How have we gotten to this point? The Cripple’s end is eerily similar to the mayhem the leaders of our World are heading to.

King Solomon teaches us “the hearts of kings are in the hand of G-D.”  When we see nonsensical actions taking place in front of us the chaos unleashed can only have one goal and that is a sort of wiping the slate clean of the past.  Chaos leads to order.  Darkness to light. The “demons” of our world, those creatures we entertain in the dark recesses of our society have no choice but to be destroyed.  These demons of corporatization, globalism, atheism, consumerism, and moral relativism have no place in a rectified World.  Yes, the collapse is on and the chaos unleashed because of leaders gone mad seems incoherent with a Divinely empowered existence, but in fact the crisis flowing from the “End of the Earth” on the Korean peninsula is now the trigger G-D is using to move humanity beyond the demons of its past.

The World’s super system and hierarchy of lies is being destroyed. All we have to do is have the faith to hold on.

Are You Ready for Freedom?

Between Israel’s slavery in Egypt and the final redemption in Jerusalem, the story of the Exodus continues throughout time. In every generation we find challenges and heroes in our unbroken struggle for complete liberation as we inch ever closer toward history’s ultimate goal.

The festival of Pesaḥ is the holiday of Israel’s initial emancipation, marking the birth of the Hebrew Nation and HaShem’s great love for us. It was on this day that the Kadosh Barukh Hu took Israel out from Egyptian slavery in order that we become His human representative in this world. We were brought from subjugation to freedom in order that we establish the civilization meant to express His Divine Ideal and bless humanity with the light of His Truth – a light that can only be illuminated through Israel experiencing complete independence in our historic homeland. It is therefore precisely on Pesaḥ – on the birthday of the Hebrew Nation – that we must educate ourselves to the true value of freedom.

Rashi teaches that the miracles of the Exodus began on the tenth of Nisan, a few days preceding the festival. It was on this date that Israel overcame our fears and psychologically freed ourselves from the chains of bondage. Each household prepared to slaughter a lamb, one of Egypt’s most prominent national deities, and displayed it defiantly for our oppressors to see. Although the Egyptians would naturally seek to punish their Hebrew slaves for such an offense, the Children of Israel remained miraculously unharmed. This was therefore the day on which the miracles of redemption truly began and when Hebrew courage was first demonstrated after so many years of persecution.

On Pesaḥ of 5707 (1947), the last year of British rule over our country, an importantseder took place in the Jerusalem Central Prison. A few days before their scheduled executions by the foreign regime, six young men were conducting the Pesaḥ seder with Rabbi Yaakov Goldman. They were Dov Gruner, Mordekhai Alkaḥi, Yeḥiel Drezner, Eliezer Kashani and Meir Feinstein from the Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization) and Moshe Barazani from the Loḥamei Ḥerut Yisrael (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel). Dressed in their red death row jumpsuits, these boys were provided with haggadot and food so that they could sit together and celebrate the holiday of their people’s freedom for the last time.

The young men eventually arrived at the part of the haggadah which relates Rabbi Akiva and other Sages discussing the Exodus from Egypt all night in B’nei Brak. When dawn broke, their students came to inform them that it was time to say “Shema Yisrael.

The prisoners sitting around the table discussed where these rabbis might have been that they could not see the light of day in order to know the time. It is well known that these Sages had supported the Bar Kokhba Revolt against the Roman Empire and that Rabbi Akiva had even served as Bar Kokhba’s personal arms bearer. Acting as the spiritual leader of the insurrection, Rabbi Akiva had gone so far as to proclaim Bar Kokhba the Messiah. These rabbis must have been hiding in caves from where they were organizing the revolt against Rome. They were discussing the Exodus – the importance of freedom – all night long and when dawn broke, their students came to tell them that it was time for “Shema Yisrael” – time to sanctify G-D’s Name through liberating the Land of Israel from foreign rule.

Nearly two thousand years later, these six young men – freedom fighters captured and sentenced to death – were reading the story of the rabbis in B’nei Brak. Dov Gruner said to the others, “It is a shame that our political leaders do not learn what Rabbi Akiva said, that if the Egyptians had not received fifty makot (plagues/strikes) and another two hundred and fifty makot at the sea, they would never have granted the Hebrews their freedom. If Rabbi Akiva understood that in order to become free, there had to bemakot, then why is it so difficult for Israel to understand now that we must give makotto the British in order to win our freedom?”

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Dov Gruner – ready to be executed by the British administration – internalized the teachings of Rabbi Akiva, who had himself been brutally executed by Rome. Now, after nearly two thousand years of terrible degradation, the students of Rabbi Akiva had at long last arrived. The students that history had been waiting for had come to proclaim that dawn was finally braking. The students – all dressed in red and eating a prisonseder only days before their executions by a modern incarnation of Rome – had arrived to reestablish a sovereign Hebrew state – even if at the expense of their lives. These were men who walked in the path of Rabbi Akiva, knowing that it was their final Pesaḥseder before singing HaTikvah and mounting the British gallows. And without fear or regret, they questioned why the official Jewish leadership of their generation had not understood the eternal teachings of redemption.

Prior to his execution, Dov Gruner wrote a farewell letter to his commander, Menaḥem Begin:


From the bottom of my heart I thank you for the encouragement that you have given me during these fateful days. Be assured that whatever happens I shall not forget the principles of dignity, generosity and resolve. I shall know how to uphold my honor, the honor of a Jewish soldier and fighter.

“I could have written in high-sounding phrases something like the old Roman ‘Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori’ (‘it is sweet and proper to die for one’s country’). But words are cheap, and skeptics can say ‘after all, he had no choice.’ And they might even be right. Of course I want to live. Who doesn’t? But what pains me, now that the end is so near, is mainly the awareness that I have not succeeded in achieving enough. I too could have said ‘let the future take care of the future’ while enjoying life and being content with the job I was promised upon my demobilization. I could even have left the country altogether for a safer life in America. But this would not have satisfied me, neither as a Jew nor as a Zionist.

“There are many schools of thought as to how a Jew should choose his way of life. One way is that of the assimilationists who have renounced their Jewishness. There is also another way, the way of those who call themselves Zionists – the way of negotiation and compromise, as if the existence of a nation were but another transaction. They are not prepared to make any sacrifice and are therefore forced to make concessions and accept compromise. Perhaps this is a means of delaying the end but, in the final analysis, it leads to the ghetto. And let us not forget that in the ghetto of Warsaw alone there were five hundred thousand Jews.

“The only way that seems, to my mind, to be right, is the way of the Irgun Zvai Leumi, the way of courage and daring without renouncing a single inch of our homeland. When political negations prove futile, one must be prepared to fight for our country and our freedom. Without them the very existence of our nation is jeopardized, so fight we must with all possible means. This is the only way left to our people in our hour of decision: to stand on our rights, to be ready to fight, even if for some of us this way leads to the gallows. For it is a law of history that only with blood shall a country be redeemed. I am writing this while awaiting the hangman. This is not a moment at which I can lie, and I swear that if I had to begin my life anew I would have chosen the same path, regardless of the consequences.

Your faithful soldier,


Dov Gruner embodied the teachings of Rabbi Akiva and understood the struggle for freedom in Eretz Yisrael as the highest and truest service to HaShem. After receiving Gruner’s letter, Menaḥem Begin wrote:

“Great is the courage in Israel at a time of destruction and in this time of resurrection. We will be proud of them all and in all of them we will recognize holiness. But in the ladder of Jewish heroism, there is one level that is supreme. And from that level arises those who are Harugei Malkhut (martyrs of the kingdom). They were fighters whose fighting was not passive. It was active. They were revolutionaries whose revolution was not without choice but initiated. They went to the gallows and their heroism was not once. It is eternal. From their bleeding hearts, a song of freedom was sung. The song that sang how there is no purpose in being slaves anymore and that freedom would win and justice would arrive. And now, G-D of Israel, I tell You: Because You have given Israel such children as these, I say ‘Yitgadal V’Yitkadash Sh’mei Rabbah.’”

Begin declares “Yitgadal V’Yitkadash Sh’mei Rabbah” – “May His Great Name be exalted and sanctified.” The evidence that G-D’s Name is exalted and sanctified is that Israel has sons who are prepared to give their lives – boys ready to sacrifice themselves on the alter of Israel’s freedom so that the next generation would see a Hebrew flag over Jerusalem.

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The legendary tzadik of Jerusalem, Rabbi Aryeh Levine, came to see Yeḥiel Drezner before he was taken to the gallows. When Drezner asked the pious sage for help with the confessional prayer before death, Rabbi Levine began to cry. He told the young fighter not to worry about death and that the confessional prayer is not necessary for martyrs.

And dawn broke. The British retreated from Eretz Yisrael shortly after the execution of these courageous boys. A Hebrew flag signifying renewed Jewish independence once again soared over portions of our homeland, initiating the first flowering of Israel’s redemption.

The Talmud (Brakhot 20a) asks why Israel experienced less open miracles in Talmudic times than in Biblical times. The Sages question if it might be because the Jewish people in Talmudic times were less immersed in the study of Torah. But the Talmud dismisses this and answers that it can be proven that there were Biblical generations that studied less Torah yet still experienced greater miracles. The Talmud continues by revealing that the difference is not due to a distinction in scholarship but rather to a distinction in self-sacrifice for the Hebrew mission. Israelis in Biblical times were more willing to give their lives for the sanctification of G-D’s Name. The Talmud therefore concludes that miracles are a result of courage and selfless devotion. When Israel is ready to meet HaShem half way, we are rewarded with assistance and great Divine kindness.

So dawn breaks not when Rabbi Akiva has students who merely study the Torah but rather when he has students who actually live the Torah and are willing to give their lives for the advancement of Jewish history. The young death row inmates understood what the haggadah means when it proclaims that next year the Jewish people will be free. In blood and fire Hebrew sovereignty fell and in blood and fire it would again rise. The haggadah is not simply a book that teaches us what took place once upon a time in Egypt. Nor is it merely an instruction manual for properly conducting the rituals of aseder. The haggadah in every generation is meant to teach Israel how to liberate our people and to understand the basic values of our freedom. The heroic martyrs of the pre-state Jewish underground were not simply fighters. They were educators – educators for a generation who did not yet understand the true meaning of freedom. And when the Jewish people will understand the true significance and value of Hebrew liberation, there will no longer be any necessity for such martyrs.

The lesson is clear. Freedom is a miracle and miracles require valor. History demands that Israel establish a kingdom that will manifest the Divine Ideal in all spheres of national life in order to liberate humanity from a world of systemic injustice and false dogmas. But in order to accomplish this lofty mission we must first psychologically free ourselves, as did our ancestors in Egypt on the tenth of Nisan. The sooner we believe in ourselves and in our ability to stand proud as a strong moral force among nations, the closer we will come to expressing the full grandeur of HaShem’s Ideal for this world and ushering in an era of total blessing for humankind.

HAVE WE HAVE ARRIVED? Israel, Syria, and the Final Redemption

Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

The above verse has been rolled out over and over again since the Syrian civil war began six years ago.  The verse offers an important sign that indicates the final stage of the redemption of the Nation of Israel at the End of Days. Now, with tensions rising between the USA and Russia over President Trump’s shooting of 59 missiles into Syrian territory, the above verse has become extremey significant.

With those 59 missiles Donald Trump not only recalibrated the Syrian conflict, he has changed his and in turn America’s relationship with the Putin regime in Russia to one of possible rapproachment to nearing open conflict.

King Solomon says the following in the book of Proverbs:

21:1 The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD as the watercourses: He turneth it whithersoever He will.

We believers know that a leader has no true will power of his own when it comes to global affairs and so the Trump White House no matter the promises before the election of not getting involved in Syria is now involved. Trump is not the sort of president to back down and there is no position Russia or Iran could retreat to in order to compromise with the USA on Assad’s future.  Given this, the conflict in Syria has become the trigger for something far bigger.

In ancient days Damascus was always the thorn in the side of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. This ongoing tug of war between the Kingdom of Israel and Aram and later Assyria played itself out in much of the book of Kings.  The State of Israel at this stage is a representation of that Kingdom, with only the Messiah representing the return of the Davidic Kingdom of Judah.  Furthermore we understand that Damascus falling at the End of Days is equally important, not just for the rectification that needs to occur in relation to the Northern Kingdom of Israel, but because of the way in which this once great city becomes no more.

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The Bible is replete with accountings of a final war between the Nations of the World. Although this war is global, it is also connected to the Land of Israel.  The modern State of Syria, at least the area of Syria and Lebanon up to the Euphrates River fell within the Davidic Kingdom and will be part of that reconstituted Kingdom at the End of Days.

The Nations of the World duke it out in and around the Land of Israel just prior to the Messiah’s arrival.  It is this war that spreads out from a collapsing Damascus that lays the foundation for a new era.  It is once again the principal of chaos to order, we see thoughout the Creation and expressed so beautifuly in the beginning of the Torah and its accounting of the Creation of the World. We are entering a period of intense chaos, one which will lead to a new order.

Syria, Passover, Rebbe Nachman, and the Ongoing Redempion

Every year we find ourselves back at the Seder and yet every year there seems to be a new set of personal, national, and global challenges.  Passover is our time to feel that our personal and national freedom is guided by the Almighty.

Each one of us sees the world and the chaos that flows throughout it as a threat to our very existence.  Yet, the opposite is true.  The chaos is an opportunity.  This chaos will settle and afterwards there will be a new order and set of rules for the world to follow. Yet, just like the time of the first redemption we did not know when the chaos would end, we drew comfort in following Moses, the one true leader of the generation. However, it was not Moses alone. The Midrash teaches that it was in fact the bones of Joseph who the Nation of Israel carried out of Egypt and went in front of it that led to the Sea splitting.

We are at the proverbial sea again. There are nations all around us.  Some are fighting eachother and others are preparing to attack us.  We have no where to go and yet we wonder in which form our salvation will come. The politicians want us to believe it is they who we should trust, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov teaches that the Messiah will conquer the world without firing a shot.  How does this happen? We know the redemption from Egypt is a prototype for the final redemption.  The chaos of the world around us is nothing other than the clearing of the deck to make way for a far higher consciousness to prevail. The boundaries and order established by the elites are crumbling. The false kingdom is being laid to waste.

Damascus, who challenged the Kingdom of Israel thousands of years ago, essentially challenging the Creator’s plan, will now be destroyed as the empires of the world take one final swipe at eachother before their reign comes to an end.

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Rebbe Nachman said his fire wil burn until the coming the Messiah. Those who opposed his leadership just over 200 years ago, thought the statement was mad. Yet, it is Rebbe Nachman and his teachings who have penetrated the mainstream Jewish conciousness in a way that could have never been imagined even 20 years ago. As the world of lies continues to crumble, the world of truth prepares to be revealed.

Passover instills us with a deep faith that all is in the hands of the Almighty and all will be good no matter the chaos that seems to be ovetaking us.  Syria is the trigger for the final war. Rebbe Nachman teaches that simple faith in the Almighty is the key to the final redemption.  Now more than ever we too need to cling to the faith that all is for the best just as we did during the very first Passover thousands of years ago.

The Temple in Jerusalem Will Bring a Higher Reality

VAYIKRA opens with an explanation of the various korbanot. And like many other Hebrew words and ideas, the concept of a korban loses its true meaning and essence when translated into the English language. While some might mistakenly translate the term korban as “sacrifice” the word actually comes from the Hebrew root karov (near), indicating that a better translation into English might be “that which brings near.”Korbanot brought to the Mishkan (and later to the Temple in Jerusalem) essentially serve the purpose of enhancing a person’s overall closeness to the Divine.

VAYIKRA’s fourth aliyah specifically features the korban shlamim, which Sforno explains as offerings voluntarily brought when one feels personally motivated to express gratitude to HaShem. This korban, brought from a sense of love and appreciation, is an expression of recognition for the Kadosh Barukh Hu’s constant generosity and eternal connection to the Children of Israel.

According to Rashi, the name shlamim is derived from the word Shalom, because theshlamim has the ability to increase peace in our world. Living in a generation without aMishkan or Temple makes it difficult to understand how bringing korbanot – a seemingly primitive act by Western standards – can actually have any meaningful impact on the universe. When judged by the wrong yardstick, mitzvot like the ritual slaughter of animals can appear insignificant or even barbaric. But while Western thought measures things according to the present reality as perceived through our limited senses, Israel’s Torah views life according to the standard of our reality’s deeper inner workings, as well as where we understand the world to be heading. Only by viewing reality through a pure Hebrew lens can one attain the necessary vision to appreciate how each korban serves to release Divine energies that flow into this world and uplift Creation to a higher plane of existence.

Torah concepts of mitzvot, especially those pertaining to the Temple in Jerusalem, come from a higher dimension of reality that our world is meant to exist on and will certainly reach as history progresses towards a more advanced state. The individual stages that bring about this higher goal can only be perceived when one achieves a broader view of the amazing reality mankind is currently approaching. In order for a person to appreciate the significance of an individual piece of any given puzzle, he must first have an idea of what the entire picture should look like. Only then can he realize the necessity and value of each piece – each phase of the process leading up to the complete picture.

Each korban brought to the Temple in Zion has a ripple effect that adds incredible blessing to the world – curing diseases, alleviating suffering and influencing random acts of kindness across the globe. Jerusalem’s chain reaction of Divine goodness demonstrates how all of existence is connected at the source.

Korban Aharon supports Rashi’s understanding of the shlamim by explaining that the peace expressed through its name is the harmony between the heavenly world of the spirit and the earthly material world. Bringing a korban shlamim to the Temple works to unite the spiritual and material facets of existence. Israel is meant to serve as a national bridge between the holy and seemingly mundane spheres of life. The Jewish people is meant to reveal kedusha in every aspect of this world in order to uplift existence to its highest potential. This Divine mission necessitates Israel attaining self-determination in Eretz Yisrael as only by existing as an independent nation in our homeland can we reach and elevate every facet of life to its highest ideal. And only through a Hebrew Kingdom in the Land of Israel can we bring mankind to the awareness of HaShem as the timeless ultimate Reality without end that creates, sustains and empowers all with His love.

The Ramban offers a special explanation for the word shlamim, teaching that it is derived from the Hebrew word shleimut (completeness). He further explains that a person who brings this offering is not motivated by a need to atone for past sin, but rather by a sense of completeness and free-willed desire for universal perfection. He is not apologizing for any wrongdoing but expressing an idealistic drive to elevate the world. His service to HaShem stems from an active Torah that aspires to revolutionize human civilization and bring history to completion. Instead of living an individual “Judaism” of personal reward and punishment, he is involved with a macro-level Torah of cosmic proportions that harmoniously connects him to all of Creation.

Due to the terrible persecution our people suffered throughout nearly two thousand years of exile from our soil, many Jews have turned inward and developed a warped sense of our collective national mission. Some have come to genuinely believe that the goal of the Jewish people is to merely serve G-D quietly without distractions or the threat of outside aggression. The very concept of the korban shlamim clearly exposes the error of this perspective. The mission of the Hebrew Nation is to revolutionize the world, bringing it to perfection as determined by the Kadosh Barukh Hu. Israel is to serve as HaShem’s instrument in leading mankind to a lofty state of total blessing and everlasting peace incomprehensible to the leading thinkers of contemporary Western civilization.

Israel is to bring humankind to its highest state of universal perfection. If properly trained, we can learn to perceive the realization of this objective in our own generation through events bringing history closer to its ultimate goal. The redemption process is currently materializing with the rebirth of a sovereign Hebrew state in portions of our homeland, a still yet to be completed ingathering of our exiles and a spiritual revolution reacquainting many Jews with our Torah. After centuries of bitter oppression and exposure to external cultural influences, a decolonization of Jewish identity is taking place. Our generation has been Divinely chosen and blessed with the opportunity to participate in and contribute to the present stages of redemption – to recognize the miraculous developmental process unfolding and to facilitate the building of HaShem’s Divine Kingdom in our world.