Home Tours and Onsite Workshops

Tours and Onsite Workshops

Change Your Paradigm

Israel Rising’s David Mark leads educational tours and on-site workshops in the Old City of Jerusalem and the Southern Hebron Hills. Participants visit areas of strategic and religious significance. Learn first hand the tremendous efforts going into Land Reclamation and various ways sustainability and ecological awareness are transforming the pioneers of yesterday to today’s Redemption Architects.   

Focus Areas


Meet the frontlines of Jewish pioneering in Jerusalem’s Old City and the surrounding areas. Learn the latest geo-political updates and witness real revitalization with an unforgettable experience. 

Southern Hebron Hills

This is one experience no one should miss.  Visit the area known as the Wilderness of Ziv, where King David ran from King Saul. Learn how today’s young families are using ecological awareness, sustainability and determination to reclaim Israel’s ancestral homeland.

Are you interested? Contact David Mark at david@israelrising.com for details.