Once Again, CAIR shows that Islamism and Civil Rights Don’t Mix

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been claiming for years to be not merely the nation’s preeminent Muslim civil rights group, but a defender of the civil rights of all Americans.

In addition to denouncing alleged acts of “Islamophobia,” representatives of the organization have been quick to condemn acts of antisemitism, police shootings of African Americans, anti-LGBTQ violence, and so forth, while expressing solidarity with every “progressive” cause under the sun.

But peer beneath CAIR’s carefully-crafted press releases and publicity stunts and it’s clear that the group’s reactionary Islamist roots are as strong as ever.

Last week came a striking demonstration that CAIR’s support for workers’ rights is just a ruse. The group had been seeking for some time to block the Service Employees International Union from organizing the staff at its national office, claiming that it is a religious organization and therefore exempt from the National Labor Relations Act. The National Labor Relations Board rejected that argument in an April 7 ruling.

Contrast this with the high-profile appearance just weeks earlier of a CAIR representative alongside auto workers in Marietta, GA, protesting the anti-union policies of a Nissan plant.

The same hypocrisy was on display in the wake of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, FL, last year by a radical Islamist, when CAIR leaders across the country condemned anti-LGBTQ bigotry. The media fawned over a statement from the head of CAIR’s Florida chapter, Hassan Shibly, declaring his “overwhelming love and support and unity” for the LGBTQ community.

But CAIR, with it’s strong connections to the Sunni Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, whose hatred of homosexuals is quite explicit, has a long history of promoting homophobia.

Indeed, Shibly himself decried homosexuality as “evil” and a “quick way to earn God’s wrath” in a 2009 Facebook essay on gay marriage. While CAIR officials have avoided such statements since Orlando, the organization continues to host radical Islamist speakers notorious for gay-bashing at its events.

For example, the radical cleric Siraj Wahhaj, a former member of CAIR’s advisory board, remains one of the organization’s most frequent speakers. Wahhaj has preached that homosexuality is “a disease of this [American] society” and reminded his congregants, “[You know what the punishment is, if a man is found with another man? The Prophet Mohammad said the one who does it and the one to whom it is done to, kill them both.”

Although CAIR officials nowadays speak of women’s rights, the mainstay of the organization’s “civil rights” work is funding lawsuits under the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and other statutes to ostensibly protect the “right” of Muslim women to wear face-concealing religious garb in any and all circumstances, from police booking photos and airline security checkpoints to any number of jobs and professions that require dress codes.

“To be shown without a headscarf, it’s almost like being shown naked,” CAIR national spokesman Ibrahim Hooper told the Washington Post last year.

CAIR claims it works to protect the rights of women, but it’s really about protecting the “right” of men to oppress women. Islamists want to create a social environment in which no American Muslim woman will ever have legitimate cause to take off her hijab without the permission of her husband or male relatives.

Again, CAIR’s choice of speakers at its events reveals the duplicity of the Islamist organization’s message. One cleric promoted by CAIR, Abdul Nasir Jangda, has justified the possession of female sex slaves, and advocated marital rape as a “divinely given right.”

The mainstream media rarely challenges CAIR representatives who appear on TV claiming to support lofty ideals that conflict squarely with the extremism they preach within the Muslim-American community.

Deceit lies at the heart of lawful Islamism. Extremists that prosper in the West do so because they have learned to exploit its rhetoric and democratic processes. But it cannot be long before that hypocrisy is laid bare – perhaps it will be the next time a CAIR official expresses solidarity with a labor union.

Originally Published on the Hill.

CAIR Leader: Overthrow the U.S. Government

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) successfully presents itself to the media as a benign civil rights organization, comparable to the NAACP or the ADL, a description that conservatives ineffectively rail against. In this light, perhaps a tweet sent out just after midnight EST on Nov. 9 by Hussam Ayloush, long-time head of CAIR’s Los Angeles office, will help awaken the press to CAIR’s true Islamist identity. Ayloush wrote:

Ok, repeat after me:
Al-Shaab yureed isqat al-nizaam.
(Arab Spring chant)

Tweet by CAIR’s Hussam Ayloush just as Donald Trump’s victory became apparent.

That second line is Arabic (“الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام‎‎”) for “The people wants to bring down the regime.”

In other words, Ayloush unambiguously and directly called for the overthrow of the U.S. government.

Comments: (1) Ayloush may be the most vicious of the CAIR leaders. So far as I know, for example, he’s the only one of them to bandy about the term “Zionazi,” as evidenced in his e-mail below, dated March 18, 2002.

E-mail from Hussam Ayloush referring to “Zionazis.”

(2) Ayloush is not a marginal figure but someone with access to the heights of American power, including the White House. According to an Investigative Project on Terrorism analysis in 2012, he

was a delegate to the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. [and] … attended at least two White House meetings. The logs show Ayloush met with Paul Monteiro, associate director of the White House Office of Public Engagement on July 8, 2011 and Amanda Brown, assistant to the White House director of political affairs Patrick Gaspard, on June 6, 2009. According to reliable sources, Monteiro was White House liaison for secret contacts with CAIR, especially with Ayloush.

Further, “IPT has learned that the White House logs curiously have omitted Ayloush’s three meetings with two other senior White House officials.”

(3) The dawning of Donald Trump’s victory was apparently a trying moment for Ayloush, so he let loose with an emotion he’d normally have kept under wraps. In other words, he offered a rare, candid insight into the mind of one CAIR apparatchik.

(4) According to 18 U.S. Code § 2385, “Advocating overthrow of Government”:

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States … Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

So, journalists, editors, and producers: do please note what CAIR stands for.

Break the BDS


Originally posted here on November 11th.

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Pamela Geller: Israel should never have recognized “Palestinian” as a Nationality

We had the privilege of interviewing Pamela Geller and learning her views of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, the growing terror wave in Israel and worldwide, and how faulty policies are responsible for many of the current conflicts.
Pamela Geller’s activism on behalf of human rights has won international notice. She is President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA). She is the author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. She is the editor and chief of Atlas Shrugs. Pamela is also a regular columnist for World Net Daily, the American Thinker, Breitbart.com and other publications.

1. What got you focused on Radical Islam? What drives you? Do you ever fear for your life?

9/11. I wanted to know who had attacked my country, and began to study and investigate. What drives me is a determination to defend freedom and individual rights, on which this country is based. I have a fatwa on my head from ISIS, but I will not stop telling the truth.

2. Why do you focus so much on exposing the threat of extremist Islam and is anyone even listening? Do organizations such as CAIR look at you as a threat?

I focus on it because it is the #1 threat to freedom today, and this threat is being obfuscated by our political and media elites. Yes, many are listening, and many are just as concerned as I am, but we are not given a voice in the mainstream media. CAIR is very threatened by what I do because I expose truths they are working to cover up.

3. What is your take on why we are seeing an increase of terrorism around the globe and in Israel?

Because of the weakness of the U.S. and the West. Obama showed the jihadis that he would not act energetically against them. They can act with impunity and he will do nothing. Ayn Rand said, “The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles.”

4. Are the reasons for the terror wave in Israel the same as what happened in California and Paris? Or is the “occupation” and “protecting Al Aqsa” the real reason behind Palestinian terror?

Yes, exactly the same reason: the jihad to subjugate unbelievers under the hegemony of Islamic rule. Palestinian terror is motivated only by the Islamic idea that Islam must dominate everywhere.

5. In your opinion, why is the world so focused on Israel?

Israel has been the subject of a skillful and relentless propaganda barrage designed to demonize it in the eyes of the world.

6. Are Israeli leaders hurting Israel’s image? Should they be stronger in both voice and deed?

No matter how strong Israeli leaders are, they will still be demonized by the international media, which has become a tool of the jihad force. They should indeed be stronger, but whenever they are strong, they are vilified to such a degree that it hinders their ability to act.

7. How did the Palestinians gain control of the narrative in the Middle East? Why are they seen as the underdog?

They co-opted the left’s narrative of “resistance” to “oppression” and won over the left to their side. The whole idea of the “Palestinian” people was created in order to give the impression of a tiny Muslim population facing a massive Israeli force, and to co-opt the idea that Israel was the underdog against massive neighboring Arab Muslim states.

8. What can Israel do to regain the narrative?

Israel should never have recognized “Palestinian” as a nationality, and should continue to point out that this is a people with no history, manufactured for propaganda purposes. “Palestinian”is a marketing term for Jew hatred.

9. I believe left wing students on college campuses, if explained the facts behind what is going on, would swing to supporting Israel. Do we have to do a better job? Or are there other factors driving their decision to back what amounts to be a glorified terrorist entity?

Yes, but the main problem is that the campuses are dominated by left-wing propaganda. The playing field is not even. Some groups are doing a good job but it is hard for them to get a fair hearing, equal access, etc. And Muslim students are increasingly physically menacing on campuses.

10. What do you suggest Israel do to prevent future terror attacks? Some have proposed deporting terrorist family members. Your thoughts?

Stand strong. Make no concessions. “Land-for-peace” initiatives will never bring peace. Deporting the family members may have some limited value, but Israel really should confront the jihad terror ideology. Islamic Jew-hatred is the root cause of the war against the Jews.

11. Do you believe a 2-state solution is feasible? What are the world powers trying to achieve by pushing for a 2-state solution considering the fact that it is not in the best interest of Israel nor the Palestinians?

No, a Palestinian State would only be used as a jihad base to launch more jihad attacks against Israelis. World powers push for it because they ignore Palestinian media’s frequent genocidal statements, and pretend that this will solve the problem. In fact it will only weaken Israel and strengthen the jihad.

12. Feel free to add any other comments or topics that you feel our audience would benefit from, including how they can help you and the work you are doing.

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